So, i have finally got around to ditching the rucksack. I have been literally all over the world, and around most of England. The backpack is a very personal and individualised item. It depends on a lot of things: what country you are in, what and how you are travelling, what you need to carry with you.

I"ve always had a saying when i"ve gone travelling: "Keep it light, keep it tight" . Every journey i have undertaken, i have always bought a new rucksack. Like i said, its a very personal thing. Your livelyhood is in that bag.

If you are travelling bus by bus and staying in hotels (as i have been so far) then a rucksack is fine. Except when you have to walk from bus station to hotel. They're big, bulky, and you can put even the kitchen sink in there. Most of the ones i have used are normally fifty to sixty litres. Big!

So now the fun is over, time to get a bit more serious.

What's the one thing that wearing a backpack makes you look like? Yep, a bloody tourist. Unless its small and tight. The pack that i have used over the past five years was about twenty litres, and basically looked like your average joe's. It blends in you see.


Many a time i got to the airport and they were surprised that THIS was all i was taking. Generally, there was three change of clothes and my entertainment. Anything else was easier and cheaper to buy at your destination. Toiletries for example.

So this year, for something a bit different, i opted for a sling bag. It's pretty much the same size as my old faithfull, but rather than have two straps digging into your shoulders, this cuts across the body and your chest takes the strain. Below is the old sixty to my new twenty.

It has PLENTY of internal pockets (i like to seperate my shit) unlike the normal large ruckie, which has one large internal, with a top, bottom and front pocket. So if you have a lot of items, they are all bundled together.

And i even made sure that this bag has a hydration unit.

It is very, very, sweet.

Of course, keeping it light means you cant pack the kitchen sink. It literally is a survivalist bag: essentials only.

I'll see how it packs out tonight. Early start tommorow, bus leaves at eight am.

Laters x