Yes, it's that point where my trip goes AWOL. First off, during the celebrations of us winning the Superbowl (fuck yeah!), I stubbed my toe on the corner of the bed. Whats more, i broke it. Semi lol. Had to book another few nights in hotel to give it a rest. Although it is getting better, after five days i still cant really put any weight on it.

So there goes my plan to take a four day walk down to Cape Canaveral to see the now confirmed launch on the 20th. Which just leaves the launch on March 1st. I went ahead and booked the ticket for the Kennedy Space Visitor Complex. Looking at what they have just in the complex is enough to blow my mind, let alone seeing a rocket launch! We'll see how that pans out.

For now, i just need to rest up. But i cannot stay here any longer, so will take a few days out on Greyhound to see a couple of places (the Everglades is off) and waste a few days.

Miami, here i come