Just a quick update. Two days it has taken me to find ONE bus that goes into Argentina. After about thirty tries! There is supposed to be one that goes from Puerto Montt (my next destination?) to Punta Arenas. Montt is about as far South I can go in Chile, before I have to cut through Argentina to get to South Chile and Patagonia.

Been a ball ache, let me tell you. That service was running the last few times I checked. And Argentina has not changed its COVID status, so really perplexed. Most of the websites don't load or work! And fuck Busbud! Like most of the sites, they say 'yes' we do that bus. It cost such and such, leaves at this time from here... Then you get to their website and it's a big fat "there are no services for the foreseeable future"! WTF! Had it in Peru too. Guess the best way is to go to the bus station and buy direct. If only I spoke Spanish...