I am now in Tacna, pretty much as near to the Chilean border as i can get. Unless i rough it! But from here they run regular bus services over the border to Arica, and even to Santiago. There's an affidavit to fill in within 48 hours before crossing the border, and an identity declaration which has already been approved. There is also a 'mobility pass' to complete, but is only optional at a level 1 quarantine. Level 1 being "it's all safe". Basically, it's my proof of vaccination to enter some public places.

The bus down was desolate, pure and simple. I thought to Arequipa was bad.

This is just sand and rock, with very few inhabitants. 350 km of it! And looking back at the map of Chile, until i get to Santiago, i expect nothing less but more of the same. And Santiago is over 2,000 km away! It will be a 29 hour bus trip of bugger all!!

I could get a ticket all the way to Santiago, but in case anything goes wrong at the border, i wouldn't have wasted the bus fare. It's only S15 to Arica (about 55km). I had to take a 15 minute walk to the bus station to find out about the tickets, as there is fuck all useful on the web. They have this bus websites like Busbud, Check my Bus and Red Bus, but not one says there is a bus that runs from Tacna to Arica! Very bloody useless. In the station (that's the International, not the national station), there's about twenty different companies that go to Arica, and they each run at about 20 minutes regular. When i fill out my affidavit, i should get a QR code, which i think i need to buy a ticket. So tomorrow i can fill that out that, and come Monday i should have received the code to be able to buy my ticket.

Yeah, right. We'll see. As for now, it's chill in Tacna, with a very nice restaurant two doors up!

Will take a pic of one of the dishes i have already had that cost S20. It's a meat feast. Some of you would not eat it if you knew what it was, but hey, don't ask! It was awesome. Okay, I'll tell you. Mainly its chicken and slices of something else (beef i think), with potatoes, heart, gizzard, fungi, chorizo. Trust me, it's bang on the money! Ain't nothing worse than a kebab!

And just to finish this post, my broken toe seems to be all healed, although i haven't done a 20 mile trek in some time! My knee is okay, but a bit hit and miss. And do you remember when i said we'll see what's next? Well, its my left ring toe now!! I think it's my trainers causing rubbing underneath. Change of footwear looks to be on the horizon. Again. That can wait until Chile, when i know what to expect country wise.

And i hadn't realised how quiet it's been, but the dogs are back!!