Short flight compared to what i spent on Greyhound. Four hours to Panama (through what i call the colon, as in medical), four more to Peru.

Touched down and got out the airport half twelve. Bang, it was packed outside the airport. Loads of people getting out and loads of people waiting for those people getting out. Hundreds, seriously. Was surprised.

Not walked more than twenty feet and one of the locals was "taxi, taxi, you want taxi?". No, i wanna fucking fag! I walked on and he followed. Dude, fuck off. " i wait". Two cigarretes later, he's still standing three feet from me! Reminded me of the south of France, or Tunisia and Morroco. Hasslers and hustlers! GET THE FUCK OUT MY FACE!

At least, give me a second to find my feet and DEFINITELY have a goddamn cigarette!! Please.

Anyway, coz I'm weak, and i couldn't check into my previously booked hotel until 3pm, he talked me into "nice hotel, nice area".

As it was for a hotel, £40 24hr check in, it will do. Three days on Greyhound, eight hour flight, get me goddamn horizontal!

Seems i found myself a chauffeur! Started at twenty a day, but when it moved up to fifty, bye bye. Like i said, hustlers. In between that price hike he took me to a nice place for food, and my idea, a beer. It was his day off.

Discoverd the local (Calle) beer. Very nice. We both ordered take out as we were trying to get to know each other. And then there was the waitress. Her eyes man. She had such sparkling, joyous eyes. My companion (i do forget his name - surprise surprise), tried to stich me up. Yet i must admit, she WAS interested. So, i flirted. She did not speak english, but every time i looked up from my companion, she was looking at me! Yes, there was something berween us, but i won't say anymore on that. Let me just say, we had a good afternoon x

Back to the hotel.

Just in time for that.

Oh well. Nigh on three months in USA, and spoke to three people. Like, spoke spoke. Altough they weren't really listening. Mmm, sounds familiar. Reminds me of living. No loss there. But i am grateful to a few people back in England. Although they still owe me money (!) I really don't give a shit. No man is an island. Yet! After all, this is one walkabout that will make the four months in Australia look like a tour!

Check out the FULL video below. How many films do you see? I lost count at eleven! X