The flight was from Buenos Aires to Sao Paulo, Brazil. So got taxi to international airport and got on BA flight to Brazil. So that part went well. Had a six hour layover before next leg, so had lunch and a few pints, and generally just mulled around. Went to check in, and BOOM: "Yellow fever certificate?". What!!!

Now, as you can you can imagine, i went through the travel details with a fine toothed comb. And i found that i needed a certificate if i was coming from a country on the yellow fever list. Which Brazil is on. UNLESS i was transiting through the airport and not leaving it. Which i was. But i was refused outright, and not allowed to fly. I was gobsmacked and a bit angry. I argued my case, and refused his official decree. The next thing i know, he calls security and i am escorted out the airport!! Me, escorted out! I couldn't believe it. Turfed out on the street as it were. Ten in the evening, fucking pissed off and very very upset, because i knew that i was not going to get my money back!

After an hour wandering around in a daze, i knew i had to find a hotel and just sleep on it. My flight had already left by now anyway! Booked hotel, and got taxi there.

Fucking yellow fever!l